Crude Refining

We provide Serbia and the region with high-quality fuels owing to constant innovations and investments in our refining process.

NIS manages the Pančevo Oil Refinery with maximum annual design capacity of 4.8 million tonnes.

Pančevo Oil Refinery produces:

  • motor fuel in accordance with Euro 5 standard,
  • aviation fuel,
  • liquid petroleum gas,
  • petrochemical products,
  • fuel oil,
  • bitumen
  • and other petroleum products.

Owing to constant modernization of refining facilities, NIS produces fuels which meet European standards, and it holds a strategically important leading position on the regional market of petroleum products.

The construction of a bottom-of-the-barrel plant with delayed coking technology is currently underway at the Pančevo Oil Refinery, being a key project of the second stage of the Refinery modernization. The start of operations in the plant is planned for second half of 2019. After the completion of this project, the Pančevo Oil Refinery will produce larger quantities of the finest petroleum products, primarily diesel, and will also start producing coke, a product which is currently imported into Serbia.

Vodeći projekti

Duboka prerada

Druga faza modernizacije rafinerije nafte u Pančevu

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